Friday, 25 August 2017

Cwm Taf UHB recruiting Vice Chair

The Chairman of Cwm Taf University Health Board is very pleased to let you know that the Public Appointments Unit are recruiting a new Vice Chair for Cwm Taf.

The closing date is 11 September 2017 and the successful candidate will take up the role on 2 January 2018.

Here are the links to the Public Appointments information – please can you share widely with anyone who might be interested



Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Cwm Taf Place Based Digital Support

VAMT has a vacancy for a fixed term 12 months post, working across the rural wards of Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf.  

Closing date is 9 September, with interviews being held on 15 September.  Secondments to the post will be considered.

Please click in the link below for further information

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Free Training - Emergency Life Support Training - limited places

Absolute Training & Assessing Ltd. would like to offer the option of complimentary training (Emergency Life Support/First Aid) to a selected number of candidates in the above subject area.
As apart of our community engagement initiative we would like extend the offer of training at no charge in the spirit of voluntary community engagement.
If this is something you would like please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Kind Regards

Absolute Training & Assessing Ltd.  Navigation Park.  Abercynon.

Monday, 14 August 2017

Job Vacancies - Actif Woods

Thanks to Coed Lleol's success with the Active Inclusion grant three opportunities have arisen for paid roles within the Actif Woods Wales project and two of these are based in South Wales.

Info online via this link:

Friday, 11 August 2017

Go Green 4 Health : Impact Review 2017 / Arolwg Effaith 2017

Groundwork Wales Cymru are pleased to share their Go Green 4 Health Impact Review 2017 - available in English and Welsh

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Visually Impaired Merthyr - Training

Visually Impaired Merthyr will be running a Finding Your Feet course which will commence in late September. This course was pioneered by Cardiff Institute for the Blind and helps Visually Impaired people to:
Use Public Transport
Manage Money
Access Media and entertainment
Use I T and mobile phones
Teach relatives and friends how to lead Visually Impaired people 

The course will run from 10.30 to 3.30 on three days at fortnightly intervals. Lunch will be provided as we find that the participants need  time to talk with each other and with the presenters.
The course is free an, if it is oversubscribed, it will be repeated. If necessary, transport can be provided. For further details contact Morgan Evans

Our Cwm Taf - new website

Cwm Taf Public Services Board (PSB) has a new bilingual website: / . The website provides a window on the work of the PSB and will be a single source for information about the Cwm Taf area providing consistency and coherence across partner organisations. The site can also be used to support organisational understanding of the role of the PSB and how individuals can contribute to local partnership working.

A wide range of data is available on the site and work is ongoing to ensure that this is the right information to meet partnership reporting needs and to support service planning and delivery. The site also acts as a data library to support the PSB’s assessments and plans, including the Well-being Assessment and Plan, Population Needs Assessment and Area Plan as they are developed. Over time, the website will encourage further use of data for the Cwm Taf area and the use of open source data to support local analysis and onward use.

The website will demonstrate how Cwm Taf PSB is working towards the national well-being goals and encourages citizen engagement and participation (and co-production). The website has been designed to meet the needs of a range of users with different skills and expectations and uses ‘intelligent’ embedded links to other resources/sites, including the Cwm Taf consultation hub. 

Feedback is welcomed on the new site, and keep checking back for new content and updates as the work of the PSB develops.

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Job Vacancy - One Voice Project Development Officer (p/t, fixed term contract)

VAMT currently has a vacancy for a Development Officer for the One Voice project, the disability element of the MAGNET portfolio, funded by BIG Lottery until 31 March 2018, employed for 16 hours per week.

Closing date is 17 August 2017, with interviews being held on 22 August 2017.
Further information is available from the links below:

person specification
job description
application form
further information
equal opportunities monitoring form

Monday, 7 August 2017

Free Part-Time Access Course from The Open University in Wales/Cwrs Mynediad Rhan Amser Am Ddim gan Y Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru

 Do you know learners who would like to take the first steps into higher education?

 To open up higher education, The Open University in Wales is offering  a number of free places on the People, work and society Access course for people living in Communities First and other priority areas in Wales. This project is funded by the three Reaching Wider partnerships in Wales.

 After completing the Open University course, students will be able to either continue their studies with The Open University or will be guaranteed an interview at one of the partner institutions.

 Places for this project are limited so please pass the course information on to any learners who may want to apply as soon as possible.

Eligibility criteria apply. Learners will need to live in Communities First areas or other priority postcodes

Those who aren’t eligible for this project, but are on a low household income may be able to secure funding for study with The Open University

 Apply now

If you live in south west, mid or north Wales: please provide us with some key information. We will be in touch to confirm your eligibility and provide you more information on this project.

If you live in south east Wales (Vale of Glamorgan, Rhondda Cynon Taff, Merthyr Tydfil, Caerphilly, Cardiff, Newport, Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen, Monmouthshire and Bridgend): please contact  

The People, work and society Access course starts in October 2017.  Further information:

Ydych chi'n adnabod dysgwyr a fyddai'n hoffi cymryd y camau cyntaf i addysg uwch?

Er mwyn gwneud addysg uwch yn fwy agored, mae'r Brifysgol Agored yng Nghymru yn cynnig nifer o leoedd am ddim ar y Cwrs Mynediad Pobl, Gwaith a Chymdeithas ar gyfer pobl sy'n byw mewn ardaloedd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf ac ardaloedd eraill รข blaenoriaeth yng Cymru. Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan y tair partneriaeth Ymgyrraedd yn Ehangach  yng Nghymru.

 Ar รดl cwblhau cwrs Y Brifysgol Agored, gall myfyrwyr naill ai barhau รข'u hastudiaethau gyda'r Brifysgol Agored neu gellir gwarantu cyfweliad gydag un o'r sefydliadau partner.

Mae lleoedd yn brin ar gyfer y prosiect hwn felly a wnewch chi drosglwyddo'r wybodaeth am y cwrs i unrhyw ddysgwyr a allai fod yn awyddus i wneud cais cyn gynted รข phosibl. 

 Meini prawf cymhwysedd. Bydd angen i ddysgwyr fyw mewn ardaloedd Cymunedau yn Gyntaf neu ardaloedd cod post eraill รข blaenoriaeth.

 Efallai bydd y sawl nad ydynt yn gymwys ar gyfer y prosiect hwn, ond bod eu cartref ar incwm isel, yn gallu cael cyllid i astudio gyda'r Brifysgol Agored

Gwnewch gais nawr

Os ydych chi’n byw yn Ne, Canolbarth neu Ogledd Cymru: gofynnwn ichi ddarparu ychydig o wybodaeth allweddol. Byddwn mewn cysylltiad i gadarnhau a ydych yn gymwys ac i ddarparu mwy o wybodaeth ynglลทn รข’r prosiect hwn.

Os ydych chi’n byw yn Ne-ddwyrain Cymru (Bro Morgannwg, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Merthyr Tudful, Caerffili, Caerdydd, Casnewydd, Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen, Sir Fynwy a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr): cysyllwch รข

Mae'r cwrs Pobl, gwaith a chymdeithas Mynediad yn dechrau Hydref 2017.  Gwybodaeth bellach:

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Green Spaces/Environmental projects

In partnership with Keep Wales Tidy and Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, VAMT are looking to establish an informal environmental/green spaces network.  If you have an interest in the environment and would like to be part of this network, we’d like to hear from you.  The information you provide will help us to create a directory for all groups and organisations that operate in the Merthyr Tydfil area.   It is hoped that the directory can be used to promote and share knowledge and resources.

A questionnaire to complete is available  here

This has previously been circulated, and the deadline has now been extended to the end of August.  Please return your questionnaire to

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

2018 GSK IMPACT Awards open for applications

The GSK IMPACT Awards provide funding and training and development for charities doing excellent work to improve people's health. They are funded by GSK and managed in partnership with The King's Fund. The awards are open to registered charities that are at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with a total annual income of between £80,000 and £2.5 million. Up to 20 awards will be made, ranging from £3,000 up to £40,000.  Click here for more information.  The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 22 September 2017.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Eye Clinic Liaison Officer Service

Cwm Taf UHB in conjunction with RNIB Cymru provide an Eye Clinic Liaison Officer Service which provides support for adults and children with sight conditions, and also their families and carers.  Click here for further information.

Clinical Services Strategy for Cwm Taf UHB - what are your views?

Cwm Taf UHB are currently developing a Clinical Services Strategy.  They will be attending the third sector Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Forum on Wednesday 9th August to provide members with further details on the process being undertaking to develop the strategy and to seek views on the key messages and high level principles.
If you would like to know more about this work click here
The Forum will be held at VAMT offices (CF47 8UH) from 10 am to 12 Noon on Wednesday 9th August.  If you would like to connect with this forum contact

Community Facilities Programme Open

Welsh Government's Community Facilities Programme Open for Applications
The Welsh Government has launched the next round of applications for the Community Facilities programme, as part of their Tackling Poverty Agenda. Capital grants are available to community-led voluntary groups, social enterprises and community organisations to tackle poverty and its effects, increase opportunity, create prosperity for all and develop resilient communities where people are engaged and empowered – through the development of community facilities.
Facilities must be useful to, and well used by, people in Welsh communities. Priority will be given to applications from former Communities First cluster areas, however strong applications from other areas will be considered.
There are two levels of funding available:
  • Small Grants - between £5,000 and £25,000.
  • Large Grants - between £25,001 and £250,000.
Applicants can apply for more than one grant within three years, up to a maximum of three awards. No organisation will be awarded more than £250,000 in any three year period.
Grants can fund a variety of purposes, including training services, local health services, safeguarding and providing or re-introducing local community services such as libraries and post offices. Grants could also provide digital access, encourage co-location of local groups and host food banks.
Applicants must be working with a partner from the public, private or third sector. This may include a local health board or authority, or a Welsh Government tackling poverty programme such as Communities First, Flying Start or Families First.
The application process has two stages: an Expression of Interest stage and a Full Application stage. Applicants should note that this is a popular fund and even strong applications may be turned down.
Groups can apply at any time before 31 March 2018.