Thursday, 27 October 2016

Welsh Government Consultation on Building Resilient Communities/Communities First

The Welsh Government have recently opened a consultation regarding a new approach to building resilient communities and Communities First.  Please find further details below plus a link to the consultation.   Please encourage your members/clients to complete the survey.

The new approach focuses on three priority areas of Employment, Early Years and Empowerment. By prioritising in this way, we want to create communities that offer children the best start in life, communities that are ready and able to work and communities where the voices of local people are heard clearly when decisions are made.

As well as asking for your views on how these priorities can support greater prosperity and resilience, we are seeking views from people who have personal experience of Communities First. The programme was launched 15 years ago, and has supported many people in some of our most deprived communities. In that time, however, our economy and society have been through huge changes. Consequently, the Cabinet Secretary for Communities has said that he is minded to phase out the Communities First programme. He is clear that the employability programmes, Communities for Work and LIFT, will continue.

Do you have clients who need a bed?

Taff Bargoed Dvelopment Trust currently have approximately 30 beds to donate - they would need to be collected from the Centre.  If you are interested, please contact Howard Jackson on 01443 710827 or

Men's Sheds Coffee Morning - it's not in a shed!

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Urgent - Only 6 days left to nominate for the Nicola Park Award

Oustanding Contribution to Volunteering in Merthyr Tydfil - Nicola Park Award 2016
The closing date for nominations for this year's award is 24 October 2016.  This award marks an outstanding contribution to volunteering in Merthyr Tydfil, and this year, for the first time, is open to both organisations and individuals.
 A nomination form and further details are available here  and in Welsh here

The award will be presented at VAMT's AGM on 18 November at the Bessemer Hotel in Dowlais.

Please think about who you could nominate - if you need a hard copy, then contact Karen Foley on 01685 353913 or call in to the Voluntary Action Centre.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Fundraising Quiz Night Winners

Last night saw an excellent £755 raised for the Merthyr Tydfil Community Trust. The winners of the quiz were No Great Expectations who are pictured with the Chair of the Trust, Les Byard. Thanks you to all who participated and helped make this a very successful and enjoyable evening.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Cwm Taf: Understanding Our Communities

Dear Partner,

Over the past several months, the Cwm Taf Population/Wellbeing Assessment Core Group have been working to produce a series of briefing documents. These documents have been categorised under the seven client groups of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act and the four themes of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act and have been compiled with the input of key representatives from services, organisations and communities.

The next stage of the population/wellbeing assessments is to continue the conversation with these stakeholders. Conversations going forward need to be around the headlines that are emerging from the briefing documents. Briefing documents, containing these headlines are available on the Cwm Taf Hub.

We are holding the following series of stakeholder workshops in October and November:

Carers (inc. young carers and carers of older people)
Cultural wellbeing
Mental health (adults/children
Social Services and Wellbeing Population Needs Assessment
Wellbeing of Future Generations Wellbeing Assessment
Social Services and Wellbeing Population Needs Assessment
The Feel Good Factory
Abercynon Road, Ynysboeth, RCT
CF45 4XZ
Hawthorn Leisure Centre
Fairfield Lane, Hawthorn, RCT
CF37 5LN
Coleg Y Cymoedd Aberdare Campus
Cwmdare Road, Aberdare, RCT
CF44 8ST

Environmental wellbeing
Older people (inc. dementia) and physical disability (inc. sensory impairment)
Economic wellbeing
Wellbeing of Future Generations Wellbeing Assessment
Social Services and Wellbeing Population Needs Assessment
Wellbeing of Future Generations Wellbeing Assessment
Orbit Business Centre
Rhydycar Business Park,
Merthyr Tydfil
CF48 1DL
Rhondda Fach Sports Centre
East Street, Ferndale, RCT
CF43 3HR
Park and Dare Theatre
Station Road, Treorchy, RCT
CF42 6NL

Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence
Learning disability (inc. autism)
Social wellbeing
Children and young people (inc. looked after children and children in need)
Social Services and Wellbeing Population Needs Assessment
Social Services and Wellbeing Population Needs Assessment
Wellbeing of Future Generations Wellbeing Assessment
Social Services and Wellbeing Population Needs Assessment
Pontypridd Deaf Club
1, Lanpark Road,
Pontypridd, RCT
CF37 2DH
Canolfan Soar
Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil
CF47 8UB
Pontypridd Rugby Club
Sardis Road, Pontypridd, RCT
CF37 1HA

 I am writing to invite you to attend one or more of these workshops, as appropriate to your role.

All workshops will be independently facilitated, with the aim of all sessions being used to begin to explore some of the detail behind the emerging headlines, why issues/gaps exist and how stakeholders can look to develop joint solutions.

The outputs of these workshops will contribute to the redrafting of the briefing documents, which will then become the Population Needs Assessment and Wellbeing Assessment. Both documents will be key to planning, policy commissioning decisions and service design and delivery across public service organisations and across Cwm Taf. This is your opportunity to ensure that your service/organisation is represented.


·         Please book your place at the session of you choice by using our online booking form. Hard copies of the booking form are available on request.

·         Booking for each event will close two working days before the workshop.

·         More information on the event will follow.

·         Where possible, please register for only one event per person. Places at events are limited. Please consider service representation at relevant events to avoid duplication and allocation of multiple spaces to the same service/organisation.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Understanding Our Communities

Cwm Taf: Deall Ein Cymunedau

Annwyl Bartner,

Dros y sawl mis diwethaf mae Grwp Craidd Asesiad y Boblogaeth/Lles Cwm Taf wedi bod yn paratoi cyfres o ddogfennau gwybodaeth. Mae'r dogfennau yma wedi'u dosbarthu yn รดl saith grลตp o glientiaid Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) a'r pedair thema sy'n rhan o Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru), ac mae cynrychiolwyr allweddol o wasanaethau, sefydliadau a chymunedau wedi rhoi'u mewnbwn iddyn nhw.

Cam nesaf yr asesiadau poblogaeth/lles ydy parhau i drafod gyda'r rhanddeiliaid yma. Bydd angen i'r sgyrsiau yma ganolbwyntio ar y penawdau sy'n deillio o'r dogfennau gwybodaeth. Mae yna dogfennau crynno ar gael ar y Hwb Cwm Taf.

Felly, rydyn ni'n cynnal cyfres o weithdai i randdeiliaid ym mis Hydref a mis Tachwedd.

Cynhalwyr/Gofalwyr (gan gynnwys cynhalwyr ifainc a'r rheiny sy'n rhoi gofal i bobl hลทn)
Lles diwylliannol
Iechyd y Meddwl (oedolion/plant)
Asesiad o Anghenion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles y Boblogaeth
Asesiad Lles – Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol
Asesiad o Anghenion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles y Boblogaeth
The Feel Good Factory
Abercynon Road, Ynys-boeth, RhCT
CF45 4XZ
Canolfan Hamdden y Ddraenen Wen
Fairfield Lane, Y Ddraenen Wen, RhCT
CF37 5LN
Coleg y Cymoedd – Campws Aberdรขr
Cwmdare Road, Aberdรขr, RhCT
CF44 8ST

Lles amgylcheddol
Hen bobl (gan gynnwys dementia) ac anabledd corfforol (gan gynnwys nam ar y synhwyrau)
Lles economaidd
Asesiad Lles – Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol
Asesiad o Anghenion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles y Boblogaeth
Asesiad Lles – Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol
Canolfan Fusnes Orbit
Parc Busnes Rhyd-y-car,
Merthyr Tudful
CF48 1DL
Canolfan Chwaraeon Cwm Rhondda Fach
East Street, Glynrhedynog, RhCT
CF43 3HR
Theatr y Parc a'r Dรขr
Station Road, Treorci,
CF42 6NL

Trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais Rhywiol
Anabledd Dysgu (gan gynnwys awtistiaeth)
Lles cymdeithasol
Plant a phobl ifainc (gan gynnwys plant dan adain gofal yr Awdurdod a phlant mewn angen)
Asesiad o Anghenion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles y Boblogaeth
Asesiad o Anghenion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles y Boblogaeth
Asesiad Lles – Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol
Asesiad o Anghenion Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Lles y Boblogaeth
Clwb y Byddar, Pontypridd
1, Lanpark Road,
Y Graig-wen,
Pontypridd, RhCT
CF37 2DH
Canolfan Soar
Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tudful
CF47 8UB
Clwb Rygbi Pontypridd
Sardis Road, Pontypridd, RhCT
CF37 1HA

Dyma wahoddiad i chi i ddod i un neu ragor o'r gweithdai hynny, fel sy'n berthnasol i'ch gwaith.

Caiff pob gweithdy ei hwyluso'n annibynnol.  Y nod yw dechrau ymchwilio i'r manylion sydd y tu รดl i'r penawdau – pam mae materion/bylchau'n bodoli a sut y gall rhanddeiliaid geisio datblygu atebion ar y cyd.

Bydd y 'canlyniadau' sy'n deillio o'r gweithdai yma yn cyfrannu at ailddrafftio'r dogfennau gwybodaeth, a fydd yn dod yn Asesiad Anghenion y Boblogaeth ac Asesiad Lles. Bydd y naill ddogfen a'r llall yn allweddol o ran cynllunio, polisรฏau, comisiynu, dod i benderfyniadau, a chynllunio gwasanaeth a'i ddarparu ar draws sefydliadau'r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac ar draws ardal Cwm Taf. Dyma'ch cyfle i sicrhau bod eich gwasanaeth/sefydliad yn cael ei gynrychioli.


·         Cadwch le mewn sesiwn o'ch dewis drwy ddefnyddio'n ffurflen ar-lein. Mae copรฏau caled o'r ffurflen archebu ar gael ar gais.

·         Bydd modd i gadw lle yn cau dau diwrnod gweithio cyn pob gweithdy.

·         Byddwn ni'n anfon rhagor o wybodaeth maes o law.

·         Byddwch gystal รข chofrestru ar gyfer un achlysur i bob unigolyn, lle bynnag y bo'n bosibl. Dim ond hyn-a-hyn o leoedd sydd i'w cael. Meddyliwch hefyd am gynrychiolaeth mewn achlysuron perthnasol i osgoi dyblygu a dyrannu sawl lle i'r un gwasanaeth/sefydliad.

Os oes unrhyw gwestiwn gennych chi, mae croeso i chi gysylltu รข ni. Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at eich gweld chi'n fuan!


Deall Ein Cymunedau

Hate Crime Awareness Event

Annwyl Gydweithiwr
Rydyn ni wrth ein bodd i'ch gwahodd chi i'n hachlysur Ymwybyddiaeth Trosedd Casineb, sy'n digwydd am 4pm, ddydd Iau 13 Hydref 2016 yn Eglwys Unedig Dewi Sant, Heol Gelliwastad, Pontypridd.
Bydd yr achlysur yn cael ei gynnal yn ystod Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Trosedd Casineb. Bydd yn tynnu sylw at y gwaith sy'n mynd rhagddo yn ardal Cwm Taf i godi ymwybyddiaeth o drosedd casineb, a chefnogi'r sawl sy'n dioddef yn sgil trosedd casineb. Bydd ein siaradwyr gwadd yn disgrifio'u profiadau a thrafod sut i beidio รข sefyll o'r neilltu.
Mae ein siaradwyr gwadd yn cynnwys:
Steve Jenkins, chwaraewr pรชl-droed Cymru, a oedd yn rheolwr Clwb Pรชl-droed Tref Merthyr Tudful tan yn ddiweddar. Bydd Steve yn trafod ei waith gyda'r elusen addysg, Show Racism the Red Card.
Bydd Gemma Kennedy, sy'n byw yn Hirwaun, yn rhannu ei phrofiadau o fod yn ddioddefwr trosedd casineb yn erbyn pobl anabl.
Bydd lluniaeth ysgafn ar gael yn ystod yr achlysur. Disgwylir i'r achlysur orffen am 5.30pm.
Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu chi. Dim ond hyn a hyn o lefydd sydd, felly, ffoniwch Sian Edwards ar 01443 424194 neu anfon e-bost at i gadarnhau y byddwch chi'n dod.
Yn gywir
Melanie Warburton ar ran Grลตp Cydlyniant Cymunedol Cwm Taf

Dear Colleague
We are delighted to invite you to our Hate Crime Awareness Event which takes place at 4pm on Thursday 13th October 2016, at St David’s Uniting Church, Gelliwastad Road, Pontypridd. 
The event is being held during Hate Crime Awareness Week and will highlight the ongoing work being conducted in the Cwm Taf area to raise awareness and support victims of hate crime. Our guest speakers will describe their experiences and talk about how we should not be a bystander to hate.
Our guest speakers include:
Steve Jenkins, a Wales International Footballer, who until recently was manager of Merthyr Town Football Club. Steve will discuss his work with the educational charity Show Racism the Red Card.
Gemma Kennedy, who resides in Hirwaun will share her experiences of being a victim of disability hate crime.
Light refreshments will be provided during the event, which is scheduled to conclude at 5.30pm.
We look forward to you joining us.  As space is limited please contact Sian Edwards on 01443 424194  or email to confirm your attendance.
Yours sincerely
Melanie Warburton on behalf of the Cwm Taf Community Cohesion Group

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

The Active Inclusion Fund - Drop in session

Interested in applying to the Active Inclusion Fund? Come along to the drop in surgery at VAMT on Friday 7th October 

Rural Community Development Fund - Re-opened

The Welsh Government has reopened the Rural Community Development Fund (RCDF) and is currently receiving expressions of interest.

Funded through the EU and Welsh Government rural development programme, grants are primarily aimed at community-based organisations to assist with Capital projects that will offer a wide range of interventions designed to prevent and mitigate the impact of poverty in rural communities improving conditions which can lead to future jobs and growth.

The closing date for expressions of interest is 31st October 2016. Should you be invited to application you will be contacted on 13th January 2017.  All projects should be completed by the end of 2018. Please see the Welsh Government website for details:

Should you wish to submit an expression of interest for this fund, please inform the Cwm Taf Rural Development Co-ordinator, as the LEADER Rural Cwm Taf Local Action Group would be interested to hear about any potential projects.